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Image by Jens Lelie

Official IFS Institute Trainings (IFSI)

The IFS Institute (IFSI) provides comprehensive training programs for individuals at various levels of expertise.


  • Mental Health Professionals can benefit by enrolling into their level 1, 2 and 3 program to obtain certification.

  • Coaches & Practitioners get to take advantage of a specialized "IFS Foundation for Coaches" intensive training.

  • Non-Professionals can enjoy a self-paced 6 month online inner circle program.


We encourage you to explore these exciting and official IFS Institute training paths and choose the one that best fits your needs to enhance skills with IFSI.

Internal Family System Headquarters
Phone: 844-204-6356

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Alternative Professional Level

These are not official IFS-Institute Trainings (IFSI) - however, these are serious trainings by some of the most well known IFS trainers world-wide. For those that can't get into IFS Institute (IFS-I) or prefer to choose a different path, these have been considered some of your next best options. With that said, find the training path that's right for you and take your IFS practice to the next level.

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